Circular Dichroism (CD) Spectropolarimeter
Circular dichroism (CD) spectropolarimetry enables the determination of protein folding (secondary and tertiary structure), the study of conformational stability of a protein and determination of whether protein-protein interactions alter the conformation of a protein.
The J-815 CD spectropolarimeter from Jasco represents the highest performance attainable in a CD system combining unparalleled optical throughput and an updated 32 bit software for control and analysis. This system will be used to study lipoprotein-like nanoparticles and recombinant protein ligands.
Suitable options
- Linear Dichroism
- Optical Rotatory Dispersion
- Total Fluorescence
- Scanning EM Fluorescence
- Fluorescence detected CD
- Stopped-Flow CD
- Absorbance
- Stopped-flow luorescence
- Chiral HPLC detection
- Magnetic CD and Near Infrared CD
Specifications and features
- Spectral range: 163 to 1100 nm
- Measure both CD and UV/Vis
- Auto-scale mode for data acquisition