CLARIOstar microplate reader

The CLARIOstar is a multimode, high-performance microplate reader with a revolutionary new type of dual monochromator technology. The advanced LVF MonochromatorsTM, along with filters and a spectrometer, can be used for a variety of applications in the different detection modes.

Detection modes

  • Fluorescence Intensity
  • FRET 
  • Fluorescence Polarization 
  • AlphaScreen®/AlphaLISA® 
  • Luminescence 
  • BRET 
  • Time-Resolved Fluorescence - including TR-FRET 
  • UV/Vis Absorbance Spectrum

Measurement modes

  • Top and bottom reading
  • Endpoint and kinetic measurements
  • Sequential multi-excitation measurements
  • Sequential multi-emission measurements
  • Spectral scanning (fluorescence, luminescence, absorbance)
  • Ratiometric measurements
  • Well scanning

Specifications and features

  • Spectral range: 220 -1000 nm for absorbance, up to 900 nm for fluorescence intensity measurements
  • Plate format: 6- to 1536-well plates, user-definable LVis Plate with 16 low volume microspots (2 μL)
  • Temperature range: +3 °C above ambient up to 45 °C or 65 °C
  • Read times: 8 seconds per 96 well plate in flying mode
  • Shaking: Linear, orbital, and double-orbital with user-definable time and speed